Please have hair prepped with clean/dry hair

    Bring any accessories you will be wearing on your wedding day (ex. hair jewelry, floral, accessories etc.)

    Have multiple photos available (stuff you like/don’t like)

    Photos with hair similar to yours (hair color, length, and density are perfect)

    We’ll run through 1-2 styles to find the most suitable one for your preferences

    This will give me a better sense of what you envision for your big day

    Recommended 1-2 months prior to your wedding date —totally up to you

  • WEDDING DAY  --For you & your babes

    In order for the big day to run smoothly, please arrive early. It’s best to have all babes receiving services be at the Venue/Get Ready location. We do not want the bride to have to worry about one more thing!

    All babes should have hair prepped with clean/dry hair

    Any pictures of styles are highly recommended for your bridal party to have on-hand, similar hair color, length, and density recommended as well

    Feel free to ask if you have any questions, I’m a text/ email away (please include who you are)

    All babes receiving services should wear some type of shirt that does not have to be removed over the hair (ex. button down, zip up, robe, etc.)

    If any babes come with extensions that need to be put in, please let me know in advance to ensure there is time for it ($25 additional)